Tire articles tagged with 'tire pressure'

How To Release Air Out Of Your Tire? 5 Easy Steps To Know
How To Release Air Out Of Your Tire? 5 Easy Steps To Know
Unfortunately, many drivers do not pay enough attention to their tires. And that’s a huge mistake because it is crucial to providing vehicle safety. Even the best and safest vehicles on the market are not safe without proper tires. At the same time, even the best tire on the market will have performance issues if you tend to under- or overinflate it. Having this said, even if you drive an awesome and expensive vehicle...
Signs You Are Driving On Bad Tires
Signs You Are Driving On Bad Tires
Perhaps you are aware of the crucial role of tires in the context of safe driving. Any specialist in the automotive field will confirm that depending on their condition, the driving experience can be flawless or, on the contrary, a hazardous nightmare. While we all admire the way the new tires perform in terms of grip and traction, there comes a time when they no longer deliver the confident performance.
What Is Wrong With Tire Overinflation?
What Is Wrong With Tire Overinflation?
Every driver knows how important the correct pressure is in the tires of his vehicle. No mechanic gets tired of repeating that the pressure determines the good performance of the tires and the level of safety in various road conditions. However, we still observe a multitude of drivers who prefer to overinflate their tires. The main reason for that is that an overinflated tire provides less rolling resistance while in motion.
Is Nitrogen An Option For Your Tires?
Is Nitrogen An Option For Your Tires?
Pumping the air in the wheels is a common practice that is absolutely indispensable for the proper functioning of the vehicle and for maintaining the tires' health. However, more and more drivers opt for nitrogen filling in the tires, which seems to be a beneficial substitute for them. matter-of-factly, the air already contains a certain amount of nitrogen in it. However, the nitrogen option is believed to be a cleaner and purer alternative.
Tire Pressure Impact On Fuel Efficiency
Tire Pressure Impact On Fuel Efficiency
Some drivers claim that tire pressure affects fuel consumption. Others believe that this idea is just a myth. And yet, what do we, car lovers who want to know the correct answer, do with this dilemma? We all know that many factors directly influence the gas mileage in our cars. And while all the factors have a technical explanation behind them, tire pressure does not seem to be somehow directly related to gasoline consumption (or, does it?!)...
The Role Of Tire Inflation In Vehicle Performance
The Role Of Tire Inflation In Vehicle Performance
If you are an active reader of our blog, you probably noticed that I often mention how important your tire pressure is. My insistence has a wise explanation; The pressure in your tires is the essential factor that makes your car perform or stagnate on the road. Also, it is responsible for the fuel consumption of your car. At the same time, the tire pressure is one that directly influences the wear period of the tires...
Tire Pressure and Weather Temperature: Are They Related?
Tire Pressure and Weather Temperature: Are They Related?
Yes, it is true: The pressure in your tires can fluctuate depending on the weather. This is not a myth at all and if you want to improve your tires' performance, you would do well to adjust the pressure in them. Maybe you're still wondering what the outside temperature has to do with your tires. Why would temperature affect the pressure index? Well, it is about some physical effects. And you don't have to be a notorious physicist to keep your tires safe...
It's Time To Replace Your Tires!
It's Time To Replace Your Tires!
As the responsible driver that you are, you know how important it is to change your car's tires once in a while. You also know that driving with used tires seriously affects the ability of the car to go smoothly and securely. But how often does this "once in a while" have to happen? What signs whisper to us that the tires are already not performing enough? Many drivers are guided by tire validity period. And this is right, but only to a certain extent...
How To Adjust Tire Pressure By Yourself: Quick And Safe Guide
How To Adjust Tire Pressure By Yourself: Quick And Safe  Guide
When it comes to tires, one of the most important aspects is the pressure in them. Reasonable pressure is the key to a safe and comfortable ride. Also, the longevity of the tire depends directly on how correctly the tire is inflated. Any expert will confirm that too much or too little pressure is just as harmful to your tires as it is to the stability of the car on the road in general. Luckily, many of us enjoy modern cars equipped with TPMS sensors...
How Does Temperature Affect Your Tire?
How Does Temperature Affect Your Tire?
You have probably heard more than once that tire pressure is somehow dependent on the outside temperature. In fact, the temperature has a lot to do with the entire operation of the vehicle, and not just with the tires. You probably remember how long it takes to warm up your car in the winter until the whole system can function properly. Not to mention that the TPMS sensors indicate pressure deviations when you actually have just adjusted the tire pressure...

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