Safety Tips To Consider When Preparing For Long Road Trips

Safety Tips To Consider When Preparing For Long Road Trips

We all know that road trips can be fun and full of unexpected challenges. What we can’t deny is that they can be dangerous too. That’s why each one of us needs to properly prepare for a road trip. That's exactly what we are going to talk about in this section. By reading this article, you will ensure maximum safety on whatever journey you launch. In this blog post, we’re going to share the required steps you should closely check to make sure you are going to have a safer journey.

Below, you will find some valuable safety tips when you get prepared for a road trip. We have categorized them into 3 main segments. These include things you should check on a vehicle before going on the trip, what the driver should do in an emergency as well as some other safety tips that may be really handy. Each one of them has sub-categories as well. Let's take a closer look now. 

What To Check On The Vehicle

1. Prepare Your Car

As obvious as it may sound, many people might be carelessly paying attention to this point. This is a huge mistake. The first thing that you should do before the trip is to get your vehicle carefully inspected. That’s extremely important. For safety reasons, it's better to get your car checked by a professional. Usually, the day or two before leaving.

We highly recommend asking the mechanic to closely look and check in detail everything under the hood and all around the vehicle. This is important to make sure that there are no technical or mechanical issues. If there are any, they should, even must be solved beforehand. According to NHTSA, about 2% of car accidents are attributed to vehicle components' failure. It's not that much; still, any of us can be part of those 2%. 

Needless to mention that vehicle issues may lead to severe accidents in the worst scenarios. Except for that – it may cause you long delays during your trip. Moreover, it may cost you way more money when trying to fix it during the road trip.

For this reason, we always recommend having extra "JIC" road trip money (Just In Case). We would highly recommend you sign up with a towing service as well. It would ensure you are going to be safe in case something goes wrong and your car does end up breaking down. It would save you time as well as money in case it happens whilst you’re on your way to a road trip. 

2. Inspect Your Tires

When talking about tires – it is of utmost importance to inspect them very carefully. Make sure they have enough tread and are in good condition. Faulty tires are one of the main car crashes reasons across the US. So, make sure you maintain them the right way. Also, it is extremely important to have a spare tire. Make sure that the spare tire is usable on your vehicle so that if something happens with your tire whilst driving, you have it handy. You just never know when you may need one.

It is also highly recommended to learn how to change a tire. Talk to a mechanic or some professional who can help you with this. There’s no point in having a spare tire if there’s nobody who can change it. Of course, you may ask for help on the road or call for professional service. Still, you better rely on your own when there is no one to help. Otherwise, you can end up stuck in the middle of nowhere. 

3. Have The Spare Tire Changing Tools Ready

Of course, you would need to have proper tools besides the spare tire itself. These kit tools can be purchased at almost any mechanical shop or online. They are not too expensive and don't take up too much space in your trunk. Nonetheless, they can be a lifesaver in certain situations. OK, maybe not a real “lifesaver”. But they would surely keep you away from unwanted headaches, wasted time as well as wasted money.

In case you prepare for the road trip with a rented car, the renters usually make sure their vehicles are fully equipped with the right tools. But it never hurts to ask for another inspection "JIC" - just in case. Also, you need to get used to the car before the trip. Driving on it for a day or two before the road trip might really help because every vehicle is very different. In case you’re familiar with it, you will know how to handle it in certain situations.

Safety Tips While Driving

1. Fasten The Seat Belts

Although it is law-prohibited to drive without a seat belt, we still need to mention this once again. The driver as well as all the passengers in a car MUST have their seat belts on. We mention it once again because statistics show there are a lot of people who ignore this. That’s why it is actually a law, in the first place - to save lives. And it actually saves.

This is going to save you from getting a fine from the police if you’re caught not wearing the seat belt as well. In addition, numerous statistics and studies show that the percentage of people dying in car accidents is much higher if the driver (and passengers, of course) does not have their seat belts locked.

Yes, we are aware that there are certain situations when wearing a seat belt is actually more detrimental. But, those cases are extremely rare. In most situations, the seat belt prevents you from flying out of the vehicle! So, please, don't risk your life!

2. Stay Vigilant

Another tip that seems obvious although is often ignored by many drivers – stay vigilant. You, as a driver, should always have your eyes on the road. Therefore, you should remain vigilant for the entire driving period. It is super important to have a very good night’s rest and drive only when you’re 100% sure you can handle it.

If you are tired, DO NOT sit behind the steering wheel. A lot of people lost their lives simply because the driver fell asleep whilst driving. Accidents also occur when because of fatigue, the driver overlooks certain road obstacles. So a clear and rested mind is crucial behind the wheel, especially when it's about a long trip. 

Tiredness and Drowsiness

These greatly reduce your alertness when driving and that may easily and rapidly lead to accidents. We highly recommend making sure you’re correctly sitting in the driver’s seat. Slouching causes even more drowsiness. That’s why it is important to stay with a straight back. In case you feel tired, ask someone else to continue the trip. Or make sure to stop for a rest if there’s nobody who can continue further. At least for a little while.

With this being said, it is highly recommended to change the drivers every 2-3 hours in order to allow everyone to fulfill their batteries. This way, you let the eyes and backrest. If you drive for long periods alone, regular pit stops are a must. Driving for very long periods whilst staring at the road is a monotonous job capable of tiring out anyone. It may easily lead to paying less attention and – as you can guess, nasty outcomes.

If you have someone to take the lead of the wheel interchangeably, you make sure that everyone is maximum vigilant when the time comes to drive. Therefore the driver can keep the maximum focus on the road, constantly reducing risks. Here is what Brake organization says about driver's fatigue: 

2. Reduce Distractions

A highly recommended SAFETY tip is to ignore distractions to zero during the drive. Therefore, it means that the driver shouldn’t be distracted by anything at all. He definitely shouldn’t touch the cell phone, unless he talks via the car sound system. And especially should not ever be messaging whilst driving. I guess everyone knows that cell phones are perhaps the biggest distraction taking driver's attention off the road. This may lead to serious issues. Unfortunately, many people lost their lives this way.

Whilst you have your focus on the phone and not on the road for as short as a second – it could be enough to cause serious issues. That’s why it is law forbidden to use cell phones whilst staying behind the wheel in most countries of the world. There are even countries that do not allow talking even using hands-free. So, except for the fact that you’re at risk of receiving a fine and losing money – using the phone increases the risks of losing your life! Here you have a thorough analysis of drivers' distractions provided by Forbes, from which we can learn the following: 

Driving With Children

If you plan your trip with children it is highly recommended to plan how to keep them entertained beforehand. When driving with superactive children in the backseat, it definitely can take your focus off the road too. You should have the children’s attention busy until you reach your destination. So, better prepare some road trip games or something similar.

In addition, do not forget that children are usually very energetic. That’s why it is important to offer them frequent stops. Even if you do offer them attention and may have a backseat entertainment system in your vehicle, kids still need to get out from time to time. So if you pass by a playground, you better have a stop.

3. Check Surroundings

It is also highly important to keep your eyes “wide open” on the road. Not only just in front of your vehicle but the entire road as well as the sidewalks. By paying attention only to the front of the vehicle, you wouldn't have enough time to react on time in front of possible hazards.

That’s a skill you develop over time and with experience. That’s why it is recommended for beginners to reduce speed. This way, they could have enough time to notice potential upcoming dangers. These hazards can lead to flat tires or various other severe issues. They may ultimately lead to accidents putting the driver's life at risk.

Check wherever possible the sides of the road, especially when driving in towns or forests. Always consider that the wildlife may jump in front of your car. In case you drive at night and the oncoming headlights disturb you – do not close your eyes. Don’t look into the headlight either. But try to pay more attention to the sides of the road. Usually, looking at the lower right shoulder of the road greatly helps and allows you to see the road continuously.

Other Safety Tips

1. Child's Car Seat

Needless to mention if you’re traveling with children – you’ve got to make sure they have a proper child seat. Make sure you provide maximum security for them. Any sudden maneuver may cause injuries to your child in case he is not properly equipped in his car seat. For more children's safety on the road and the right ways to use a car seat, we encourage you to visit Healthy Children Org.  

2. Keep A Safe Distance

Keep in mind that while you might be a vigilant driver it doesn’t mean that everyone is. So don't expect other drivers to be as professional and careful as you. Instead, you should properly follow all traffic rules religiously. This also includes keeping a safe distance from other traffic participants. You never know when there’s going to be a reckless or even drunk driver who doesn't follow the traffic rules, easily causing traffic accidents and damaging the surrounding vehicles. And that’s the best scenario.

3. Weather Considerations

Drivers know that the weather plays a crucial role in the road safety context. So carefully watch out for the weather forecast. Especially if you plan to cover long distances where you may deal with varying weather conditions. The United States has a wide landscape with highly diverse weather. Plus, there are certain areas where the weather can change instantly. Weather apps on a cell phone may help (but as earlier mentioned, go for a pit stop and don’t check it whilst driving). Make sure to avoid driving in heavy storms or snow. Or, if so, make sure to equip the vehicle with the right winter tires, because all-season ones might not be the best for severe wintry conditions

4. Have The Emergency Tools Ready

Having everything you need handy, sometimes, is life-saving. That’s why make sure to equip your car with an emergency kit that you need to prepare beforehand. Emergency kits, as you may guess, offer anything you need during emergencies. Usually, emergency kits contain tool kits, first aid kits, blankets, reflective vests, flashlights, triangles, extra batteries for your phone, as well as a lighter, and may contain other helpful items depending on everyone’s needs. They can be extremely helpful in certain situations when you face a road-related problem.

5. Two-Way Alarm

The last thing you would want during a trip is to find out that your car was stolen (or any item from inside it). That’s why it is better to install a two-way alarm system in it. It would allow you to get alarms through your cell phone when there’s someone who is messing with your vehicle whilst you left it behind (in a parking lot or wherever else). The most valuable items are highly recommended to be kept in the trunk (or where it is hard to reach and not visible) to make sure that car thieves are not going to see them and try to steal them whilst you’re not near your car.

How To Prepare For Long Trips: FAQs

  • First of all, you must make sure that your vehicle is in optimal condition. So, start with a car technical and mechanical inspection with the help of a professional.
  • Second, make sure the tires are in good shape. This refers to tread, pressure, and the right architecture for the conditions in which you will drive.
  • Equip yourself with a spare tire and all the necessary tools to replace it.
  • Make sure you have all the necessary emergency kits for emergencies. If you have children in the car, find activities for them so as not to distract you from the road.
  • Don't start the journey only after you are well-rested. If the road is very long, make sure you provide yourself with periodic rest.

Why Trust NeoTires?

The NeoTires team is dedicated to improving the driving experience in all road and weather conditions. We seek inspiration from reliable sources to provide expert advice, tips, and recommendations on driving safety. Our team comprises qualified professionals in the automotive industry who can guide you in any tire-related concerns, as tires significantly impact vehicle performance.

We are committed to helping you select the perfect tires from the multitude of products available on the market. Our goal is not merely to sell tires, but to match the right tires to the unique needs of each driver. With rigorous testing, comparison, and evaluation, we can recommend products that best suit your specific requirements.

While we cannot change the road conditions, we can equip you with the right tires to excel in any situation. Whether you face snowy, rainy, rocky, or sandy challenges, the right tires will help you navigate them effortlessly. Please feel free to contact us anytime for qualified assistance. Drive safely and choose your tires wisely!

Brian Darr is a passion-driven enthusiast who has become an expert in the tire industry. His passion for rubber started with his first driving experience. He firmly believes that the performance and safety of any vehicle are due, first of all, to the quality of the tires mounted on it.
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