Summer Driving Tips

Summer Driving Tips

Have you ever wondered which months are the most dangerous for driving? Most of you will probably think of the winter months. While this is partially true, the paradox is that the summer months also record many accidents.

This is explained by drivers feeling more confident on dry roads. This false sense of driving confidence makes them push the limits and squeeze all the potential of their vehicles. This, unfortunately, increases the risk of losing control over the vehicle, which results in moderate to serious collisions.

We decided to remind every driver how to ensure safe driving during summertime. There are only a few days left until the summer season and the number of trips will certainly increase considerably. Many of us plan vacations and frequent trips out of town, which means more traffic on the roads.

Read on to learn how to ensure safe driving for yourself and those around you. Summer comes with many adventures but also with many risks, if you are not a trained driver. In this section, we talk about all the potential dangers associated with summer driving as well as ways to prevent them.

Summer Driving Tips To Consider

Air Conditioning

One of the most important tools you will need during the summer is your vehicle's air conditioning system. Not only does it bring comfort while driving in hot temperatures but also keeps the driver alert. The cool temperature in the cabin helps the driver to be cautious and aware of road dangers. Otherwise, hot heat can increase the risk of tension problems, or heart attack in the worst scenarios.

It would be wise to ensure the optimal functionality of the conditioning system before summer comes. You can do this now to make sure you are prepared for the hot temperatures. Also, check the air filter, which must also be in optimal condition, or it may require replacement if it is in poor condition.

Please note that the vehicle's conditioning system makes your engine work harder. As such, the vehicle is likely to consume more fuel with the A/C on. Thus, it would be wise to keep your tank at least half full. This will help you ensure an optimal climate inside the cabin, especially for people sensitive to heat such as children or adults with certain health issues.

Health Issues Among Children

Here we mainly refer to heatstrokes among children. Many parents leave their children in the car for a few minutes to solve some tasks. Unfortunately, children's physiology is different from that of adults. The body temperature heats up much faster and a few minutes in a hot environment could be fatal.

Some parents consider it a solution if they leave the window open for some airflow. Unfortunately, this option does not help much because the temperature in the vehicle can affect the child's condition too quickly before the air cools down.

The wisest solution is never to leave the child alone in the vehicle, not even for a few moments. According to statistical data, the average child heatstroke is 38 deaths per year, with 29 incidents in 2023. Most parents declare that they did not expect that the few minutes would be fatal for their children, so we recommend that you exclude this risk. 

Belts and Hoses

Automotive experts recommend inspecting the vehicle rubber belts and hoses during the summer, especially before and after long trips. The point is that these components tend to degrade faster due to high temperatures.
It is highly recommended that drivers take a look under the vehicle hood to observe the following:

  • signs of blisters
  • bulges
  • cracks
  • rubber cuts

If you notice any obvious signs of damage, we recommend replacing them as soon as possible and avoiding long trips in the meantime. Long trips could affect them even more and you could end up with a severe malfunction while driving.

Summer Vehicle Checks

Check The Tires

Tires are a crucial element for the safety of your car during the summer, and not only that. During summertime, you have to pay more attention to them. Here is what you need to consider in particular: 

Mounting The Right Tires

Drivers have various tire options for the hot season. They can choose between all-season or all-weather tires, as well as specialized summer tires. While all 3 have a place to be during summertime, they still differ from each other. You would do well to know the difference between them and choose the ones that best match your driving needs.

For example, all-season tires would be a nice option but they won't provide the same agility and tenacious handling as UHP summer tires. Or, all-weather tires are also a good option, especially in terms of seasonal versatility. However, they will not be as resistant to heat build-up as the summer-specialized ones.

Finally, summer tires are the most suitable for the season when from the perspective of agility, performance, handling, and heat resistance. However, they do not promise a tread life as long as the all-season or all-weather ones.

So, each of them comes with a set of advantages and disadvantages. Your job is to determine what your priorities are and choose the ones that best match them.

Adjusting Tire Pressure Regularly

Tire pressure is extremely important both for efficient and safe driving. This should be an axiom for every driver. During the summer, the tire pressure tends to increase slightly on its own. This happens because of the air molecules that expand under the influence of heat. As such, too much pressure in tires is highly likely, which is not safe at all.

We recommend checking the pressure when the tires are cold. That is when the pressure reading is as correct as possible and you can make the necessary adjustments. Avoid pumping too much air. The pressure is likely to increase by itself while the tire rolls on the road due to the accumulated heat.

Likewise, do not neglect tires under pressure. If your TPMS alerts you, especially after driving a few miles, it means that the pressure is too low and you risk undergoing a tire failure. Contrary to erroneous beliefs, under pressure is more likely to bring about a tire blowout than overpressure. So your job is to keep an eye on your tire pressure and to help it regularly so as not to go above or below the norm recommended by the manufacturer.

Inspecting Tires Regularly

In one of the recent posts, I spoke in detail about the importance of tire maintenance. There I mentioned how crucial its regular inspection is. The tire visual analysis before and during summertime remains an essential rule. In this period, drivers often push their tires to the limit because of the favorable weather conditions. So, they must be in perfect condition to be maximally safe and performant.

The regular inspection helps you understand how prepared the tire is for the extreme summer temperatures. Draw attention to the tire tread wear. If it is uneven, you may have some alignment or rotation issues. Make sure to follow these procedures if you haven't done them in a long time.

In addition, make sure that your summer tires have the right tread depth. Summer tires must grip effectively both in the dry and in the wet. If the tread is too worn and its depth is barely visible, you may have problems with the grip, especially in fast braking maneuvers.

Also, a worn tire is not capable enough in hydroplaning conditions. Every rain may be a challenge for you because instead of rolling steadily on the road, the vehicle will hydroplane chaotically. 

Last but not least, make sure your tires are in a healthy condition. This means that they have no signs of damage such as cracks, bulges, blisters, sidewall damage, or other signs that could predict a potential tie failure. Keep in mind that during the summer, you'll probably want to squeeze all the potential out of your tires. So these must be in ideal condition to withstand the pressure. Any sign of tire damage is a solid reason to call for a mechanic.

Check The Cooling System

You already know how important the air conditioning system of your vehicle is for the summertime. It brings not only comfort but also reduces the risk of health issues. So, its perfect functioning must also be ensured before the start of the summer season.

In this sense, it would be great to ensure enough coolant inside your systems. Check the driver's manual to meet the manufacturer's specifications in this regard. Or, a Google search would also help you find all the information directly on your phone.

Last but not least, we recommend that you make sure that the conditioning system does not have any issues. After a long period of time in which you probably didn't use it too often, the conditioning system might undergo minor damage. As such, ask your mechanic to check the system for leaks or other damages, as well as to replace the old coolant, if necessary.

Check the Emergency Kit

Summer is often associated with long trips and city breaks. Great for you if you have made sure that the vehicle and the tires are ready for summer driving. However, no one is 100% protected against vehicle breakdown, which can occur for various reasons and under any circumstances. So, some essential tools are mandatory, to save you in an emergency.

First of all, try to keep your phone always charged. This is the tool that ensures the connection with the emergency service. Obviously, apart from that, you must have a charging device for when your phone runs out of battery. Other additional tools include but are not limited to the list below. They will help you get out of trouble until you get professional help.

Don't Underestimate Dry Roads

The summer months are dangerous precisely because drivers disregard the potential dangers. Even if they seem safe, dry roads do not always mean safe driving. They also come with certain dangers that you need to know how to handle. 2 dangerous factors during summer driving are known to significantly reduce visibility. It is about sun glare for the dry days and fog/smoke for the wet ones. Here's what you can do when you face them...

How To Handle Summer Fog/Smoke

The natural phenomenon of fog can reduce visibility and create an eerie atmosphere. While fog is usually associated with the colder months, it can occur at any time of the year. Fog can occur due to the cooling of the earth's surface at night, which causes the air to cool and become saturated with moisture. The presence of high humidity levels or water bodies can also contribute to the formation of fog.

Visibility becomes impaired in such conditions and drivers must be even more alert than usual. Foremost, driving at low speed is essential to be able to brake quickly without impacting other vehicles.

Fog usually means wet conditions. Pay attention to the maneuvers you do in order not to endanger your safety and that of other drivers. Braking on wet surfaces is longer. So, make sure you keep enough distance from other traffic participants.

Turns on all external lights including emergency lights. Even if you drive during the day, turn on the daytime running lights to make yourself visible to other drivers. Don't forget the low-beam/fog headlights that facilitate visibility.

if you have to stop the vehicle from any exit, make sure you park in a safe area so as not to endanger other traffic participants. 

How to Handle Summer Sun Glare

As much as we love sunny days, the sunshine can create visibility problems while driving. Here are some tips that would help you handle the issue.

We recommend keeping a safe distance from other cars. Some 4-5 seconds would be wise to have enough time for a quick braking reaction in case the light blinds you too much.

Take care of your windshield. Make sure you have enough fluid to keep it clean for maximum visibility. Last but not least, wearing sunglasses is a great idea during the summer. It would be great if they had a special glass with 100% UV protection to improve visibility during excessive brightness.

Check For Recalls

An equally important measure is to check if your vehicle has any critical safety issues. The NHTSA provides the Recalls Look-up Tool for all drivers with the help of which they can find out about potential vehicle technical issues. Drivers only have to enter the VIN of the vehicle after which the Tool will inform them about any safety issue. If this is confirmed, the driver should visit the mechanic for a repair.

In addition, NHTSA provides drivers with the Safecar app. This alerts the vehicle owner every time a recall is issued. We encourage you to download the application on your mobile phone for safety reasons.

Take Care of Your Safety and Those Around You

The following safety measures apply not only to the summer season but also to year-round driving. One of the most important is to fasten your seat belt, regardless of the weather conditions. We want to remind you that during the summer, drivers tend to push their vehicles to the limits more than usual. Dry roads create a false impression of safety and many drivers might ignore the seat belt.

This is wrong, very wrong to ignore it. The seat belt saves lives and is paramount regardless of the speed and the circumstances in which you drive.

In the same sense, ensure protection for your children by installing car seats. The safest place for the child is in his car seat, which is specially designed to provide safety. All parents of children up to 13 years old must install car seats that comply with their age and weight.

Last but not least, we encourage you to be maximally cautious and alert during summer driving. The enthusiasm of the upcoming holidays could make you press the accelerator pedal without estimating the risks. Thus, you could easily ignore the blind spots, especially when changing lanes. We recommend that you remain maximally cautious until you reach your safe and sound destination, and only then can you relax to the fullest.

Summer Driving: FAQs

How To Ensure Safe Driving During Summer?

What Are the Risks of Summertime Driving?

One of the most dangerous risk factors is underestimating the dangers. Due to the favorable and dry driving conditions, motorists tend to squeeze more out of the potential of their vehicles. This means more frequent acceleration, more aggressive maneuvers, and a more distracted attitude behind the wheel. All of these increase the likelihood of accidents. Official Statistics confirm that the highest number of road accidents is recorded from June to October.

Other risks mainly associated with summer driving include but are not limited to tire blowout (due to underinflation), distracted driving, heatstroke, and health issues due to excessive heat.

Is It Better To Get Summer Tires or All-Season Tires?

While both can be used during the summer, it is important to choose the ones that best meet your needs. The priority of all-season tires is their seasonal versatility. So, you can opt for them if you need tires to use in any weather conditions. However, you must know that these are inferior in terms of grip, handling, and agile performance compared to the specialized summer ones. So, their capabilities are acceptable but not exceptional.

On the other hand, summer tires excel in terms of dynamics, handling, and braking, as well as superbly resisting excessive temperatures. Their trade-off is their shorter service life. But this disadvantage is generally forgiven in favor of their ultra-high performances.

Why Trust NeoTires?

The NeoTires team does everything possible to improve the experience of drivers in any road and weather conditions. We draw inspiration from the most reliable sources when we offer advice, tips, or recommendations about driving safety. In addition, we gather in our team qualified professionals in the automotive industry who can guide you in any concern related to tires because they contribute enormously to the way the vehicle performs.

We are here to help you choose the right tires from the thousands of products available on the market. Our goal is not just to sell tires, but to match the right tires to the unique needs of each driver. For the best services, our team tests, compares and evaluates various anv elopes from various performance perspectives. As such, we know which products might fit your specific needs the best.

We do not change the road conditions on which you drive. But, we can equip you with the right tires so that you excel in any condition. Regardless of the snowy, rainy, rocky, or sandy challenges you may encounter, you can face it hassle-free with the right tires. Feel free to contact us anytime for qualified assistance. Drive safe and choose your tires wisely!

Brian Darr is a passion-driven enthusiast who has become an expert in the tire industry. His passion for rubber started with his first driving experience. He firmly believes that the performance and safety of any vehicle are due, first of all, to the quality of the tires mounted on it.
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